Basic Creation Seminar (3-hours)
If you look around in your church today, 2/3 of the young people who are sitting among us have already left in their hearts: soon they will be gone for good.
61% of today's young adults who were regular church attendees are now "spiritually disengaged" (Barna Group). Second generation Christians are now challenged with "scientific skepticism" that threatens to shake the historicity and absolute authority of Scripture ... unless parents, pastors, teachers and leaders start to provide credible answers to issues of origins, science and history ... from the very first verse! |
This training is designed to create an overall awareness of the essential elements of Creation Apologetics :
If you ask the following, then this seminar is for you :
Advanced Creation Seminar (3 hours)
Why?While the Basic Creation Seminar provides an overview of a Biblical worldview of the history of creation, this "sequel" seminar provides more technical details to common objections raised by those who do not stand upon Scripture as their starting point.
In this information age, it is not sufficient just to give simple answers to our skeptical friends - we ought to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you.." (1 Peter 3:15). And our answers need to be credible, logical and provide intellectual integrity to those who are genuinely seeking. While a right belief about origins and history does not save a person, it does create credibility and trust in the Bible and then, when it comes to the Gospel, their hearts are now ready because we have addressed the doubts of the mind. |
What?This training is designed to equip the believer to make a defense against popular misconceptions about issues of origins & history :
Who?Pre-requisite: You must have already attended the Basic Creation Seminar. This sequel will equip those who are interested apply Creation Apologetics in the following areas :
Be trained to answer the following ...